Marin Perinatal Therapy

Marin Perinatal Therapy provides a resource Directory of perinatal providers, direct support and professional training in Marin County.

Postpartum Support Groups


Six week virtual postpartum group led by licensed therapists located in Marin County.

New Parents and Babies Group

Free drop in group offered in Fairfax for new parents during pregnancy through 6 months postpartum.

Postpartum Support International

Wide variety of free virtual groups including: Queer & Trans parent support, Black moms, Latinx birthing people, birth trauma, etc.

Great Expectations - Afterglow Support Group

Four week postpartum support group in San Francisco for UCSF patients.

Pregnancy Loss Support Groups

HAND of the Bay Area

Free virtual groups and peer support for pregnancy and infant loss, subsequent pregnancy and parenting after loss. Chapters in North Bay, SF, San Mateo and Santa Cruz.

Return to Zero HOPE

Virtual support groups for parents and couples who have experienced pregnancy loss including LGBTQ+ and BIPOC parents.

Star Legacy

Virtual groups for pregnancy loss, infant death, dads and grandparents.

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Resources to support pregnancy after loss including a smartphone app.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Remembrance photography for parents expecting the death of a baby.

Infertility Support Groups


Support groups, information and advocacy from the National Infertility Association.

Fertility IQ  

Doctor recommendations, information and courses taught by fertility experts.

Dad Support Groups

PSI Support for Dads

Chat with an expert, group support and resources.

The Center for Men’s Excellence

Groups, classes, and helpful resources for new and expectant dads.

Fathers Forum 

Online support groups and advice for new and expectant fathers.

Fathering Together

Community building, resources and podcast.

Perinatal Support Hotlines

PSI Hotline

Call or text the Postpartum Support International Hotline in English or Español.

The TALK Line

Bay Area peer led crisis and counseling support line for parents, operating 24/7. 

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

Support for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish.

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Dial 988 for 24/7 suicide prevention.

Center for Domestic Peace

Marin County support for people living in environments that feel unsafe.

StarVista Crisis Hotline

Support hotline available to connect with peer support for bereaved parents.


Women’s Wellness Psychiatry

Women’s Mental Health education and advice based on integrative mental health treatment approaches from Dr. Anna Glezer.

Evidence Based Birth

Research and advocacy empowering birthing families.

Mom and Mind

Resources on motherhood and mental health.

Good Inside Parenting 

Attachment, mindfulness and emotion regulation support for parents with Dr. Becky.

Unlocking Us

Brené Brown provides tools to be courageous, brave and authentic.


The Memory Garden

Bay Area memory garden for those grieving fertility and pregnancy losses.

Better Place Forests

Living memorial tree for cremation in California and other forests across the United States.

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